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Ragic Life Application: Tracking COVID-19 Statistics on Your Database Icon
By Fabio Kuo posted on 2020/04/09
Understanding the situation gets you prepared to combat it. Integrate the real-time statistics of COVID-19 onto Ragic to gain insight into the situation of this global pandemic crisis.
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Ready to Work Remotely? Icon
By Gina Tsao posted on 2020/03/31
Social distancing has forced us to work from our homes.
But here is the big question: Are you and your company ready for it?
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Work at Home With Ease by Using Technology Tools Wisely! Icon
By Fabio Kuo posted on 2020/03/24
Many of us are advised to stay at home and practice social distancing for as much time as possible during the recent coronavirus situations. Fortunately, with the many technology tools available, it isn't that difficult to keep up with our work.
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ERP Nightmare 1:Too Many Tools, Too Complicated Icon
By Gina Tsao posted on 2020/03/18
Too many unnecessary functions in your ERP Systems will lower your work productivity, and will definitely frustrate you. Isn't it much better to just design and customize your own database system?
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Excel Catastrophe 7: The Troublesome App Icon
By Gina Tsao posted on 2020/03/13
Opening and using an Excel file on phones and tablets can make our lives miserable, is there a better way to view and edit our own data?
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Decoding Barcodes: The Key to Your Efficient System Icon
By Lillian Huang posted on 2020/03/06
Dissect barcodes: how does barcodes work and how can you integrate them with your Ragic database.
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How to Prevent Disputes From Happening When Your SYSAdmin Resigns? Icon
By Fabio Kuo posted on 2020/02/26
What can you do to prevent losing access to your database after your SYSAdmin resigns from his or her job? Important precautionary methods must be used before starting your database for your organization...
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The Secret Actions Behind Full-Text Search Icon
By Fabio Kuo posted on 2020/02/13
How does full-text search work in Ragic? What do you need to enter in the search engine to find records? Why do I not get any search results? Here's why.
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Excel Catastrophe 6: The Doom of Garbled Text Icon
By Fabio Kuo posted on 2020/02/10

Rather than trying to find ways to decrypt these garbled textual data, why not avoid them completely by using Ragic?
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Excel Catastrophe 5: Small Mistakes, Big Consequences Icon
By Gina Tsao posted on 2020/02/03
After a few hours of copying and pasting data, you notice that your whole report is messed up with many mistakes...... Is that really the right way to manage your data?
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Excel Catastrophe 4: Loading Forever Icon
By Gina Tsao posted on 2020/01/20
Noodles are ready, but my sheet isn't... Frustrated? Don't waste your time pointlessly just for opening one file!
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Enhance Your Ragic Database Massively With These Simple Design Tips! Icon
By Fabio Kuo posted on 2020/01/14
Just a little minor adjustments will have a major positive impact on your database!
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Excel Catastrophe 3: The Forsaken Wrong Data Icon
By Gina Tsao posted on 2020/01/13
Gosh! Who changed the file, and when was it changed?
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Excel Catastrophe 2: The Mysterious Setting of Formulas Icon
By Gina Tsao posted on 2020/01/06
Have you experienced the frustration while setting up formulas on Excel, especially with the VLOOKUP formula?
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Simple Database: New Year, New Goals! Record Your Resolutions Wiser With Ragic! Icon
By Fabio Kuo posted on 2019/12/30
Be a smarter and better person in 2020! This simple Ragic database can be very helpful for you to achieve your goals!
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Excel Catastrophe 1:The Hell of Copy, Paste & Save Icon
By Gina Tsao posted on 2019/12/17
Do you have similar experiences while using Excel?
Doesn't it feel like hell?
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Simple Database: Manage Your Sports Team With Ragic! Icon
By Fabio Kuo posted on 2019/12/12
You just need a few simple forms to complete a database that manages your team!
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How to Get the Best Assistance From Ragic Support Icon
By Amy Tsai, Fabio Kuo posted on 2019/11/22
Want to minimize your time spent and maximize productivity when going through customer service processes? Here are some important tips from Ragic Support!
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Ragic's free Sales Order, Purchasing, and Inventory Management made simple: Sales Order Management template Icon
By Amy Tsai posted on 2019/10/22
Are you still using Excel to manage your purchasing and inventory data? Are all the unorganized files slowing you down? If you’re looking for a...
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Ragic Starter Pack: Essential 10 FAQs Icon
By Fabio Kuo, Nadya Tan posted on 2019/08/28
It isn’t easy understanding what is Ragic and how it may assist you with your work in the beginning. Here is a quick brief for all to understand how Ragic may be extremely beneficial.
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Excel is the world's most popular data management tool.
But it gets ugly really fast because Excel is not designed for data management.
Ragic makes building powerful online databases as simple as Excel.
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