See how the company's market research supervisor tailored a data management application with Ragic and eliminated reliance on IT-personnel once and for all. Continue Reading
Whether you're a tenant or a landlord, this simple Ragic application can be a big help in searching for your ideal place to stay, a roommate, or a suitable tenants for your rental! Continue Reading
A successful data management starts with understanding the nature of your data.
(Original article by Lillian Huang, translated by Aletha Alfarania) Continue Reading
The ideal spreadsheet format for data management and analysis: the data format, arrangement, consistency, and identification properties.
(Original article by Lillian Huang, translated by Aletha Alfarania) Continue Reading
With the right know-how, creating an online form from scratch doesn't have to be a roadblock. Learn about different apps that can help you make your forms fun, attractive, and easy to use. Continue Reading
Taking a break can save your job and even your sanity. Start implementing the Pomodoro technique today to avoid burnout and manage your time more wisely. Continue Reading
Small businesses face unique challenges proving seamless customer support. Learn how to set up a self-service portal, keeping a conversation history, and more! Continue Reading
The design of your database sheets determines the amount of time users spend on data entry. Explore our best tips for getting the best results when designing your Ragic forms. Continue Reading
Coworkers can't get behind your current CRM software? Let us help you troubleshoot what isn't working so you can get everyone on board. Continue Reading
Excel is the world's most popular data management tool. But it gets ugly really fast because Excel is not designed for data management. Ragic makes building powerful online databases as simple as Excel.
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